Making Safe Simple

Dan Eklof, Assistant Chief, Monona Fire Department

Recent Posts

Monona Fire Department Enhances Fireground Communications with Viking VP6000

Throughout the year, Monona Fire Department responds to approximately 1300 EMS and 500 fire calls and it’s vital that my team can efficiently communicate on the fireground no matter what situation we face. Due to the unique topography of the City of Monona, WI, we needed a radio communication solution that could provide the coverage and reliability that my first responders need to operate on 4 miles of lakeshore and a major state highway – that’s why we chose KENWOOD Viking®.

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Tags: P25, KENWOOD Viking, Fire

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Every day we go to work to make the world a safer place. We provide mission-critical communications products that ensure first responders always have the lifeline they need when they need it.

This blog embodies our commitment to making safe, simple and aims to bring the public safety community together by highlighting the topics that matter most. The Making Safe, Simple blog features our outlook on industry trends, news, innovations, and events. When the job is tough and the mission is critical- we make safe, simple.

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