This week at StudioOne, Andrew Seybold, CEO and Principal Analyst of Andrew Seybold, Inc., joins JVCKENWOOD's Mitch Urbanczyk in the studio to discuss land mobile radio (LMR), Long Term Evolution (LTE), and the evolution of public safety grade communications
Watch the full interview:

“The issue with P25 systems today is that most of them are built with a central core. If the central core fails, then the system goes into fail-safe mode - that's not the best way to design a system. Now today, it is being done where IP networks are being built with distributed back ends, so a failure at one site does not impact the entire network. That is closer to the LTE model and the next step in bringing these two technologies together. " - Andrew Seybold
For additional information on IP-distributed system architecture, download the Modernizing the Framework of P25 Systems white paper.
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